Thursday 7 May 2015

Bonaparte's Gull

I went down to Southampton today to look for the second calendar year Bonaparte's Gull that has been frequenting Riverside Park. Habit suggested that it would turn up early afternoon on the rising tide but, hopeful as ever, I was down there by about half past nine walking the river bank. I should have stayed in bed, true to form it turned up just after one o'clock and joined the Black-headed Gulls on the river.

Bonaparte's Gull

It is similar to the Black-headed Gulls and can be a bit difficult to isolate when flying with them. However, once settled on the water the slightly smaller size, the black bill and white underwing, when shown, are easy to identify.

Black bill and white underwing are key identifiers

Black bill and white underwing are key identifiers

With Black-headed Gull for size comparison

A very dainty bird for a gull, very reminiscent of the Little Gull or of terns in flight.

I filled in the waiting time by taking pictures of the Black-headed  and Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

These two second calendar year Black-headed Gulls  below at different stages of gaining their chocolate brown hoods.

Black- headed  Gull  -  Second calendar year

Black- headed  Gull  -  Second calendar year

Lesser Black-backed Gull

Lesser Black-backed Gull

I had to leave mid-afternoon but given the choppy water and the wind I was reasonably pleased with the pictures I came away with. That was until I got home and found that late afternoon the Boaparte's had been sitting out on the jetty giving easy photo opportunities.

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