I think that I will soon have to remove the word "novice" from the descriptor above. I am starting to notice things that even surprise me.
Today I was searching the salt marshes on Sheppey having made yet another failed attempt to get a picture of the Lesser Yellowlegs at Cliffe Pools. There were a few distant Little Egrets and nothing much else but then there was one bird that did not look quite right. I do not carry a scope so my technique is to take a picture on the 700mm set up I use and then to blow it up on the back of the camera to see what I've got. Its not much use on hazy summer days but works quite well as we move into the crisper, clearer winter days.
My initial shot below showed an Egret but the shape looked wrong, the head was too big and rounded and there was no sign of a dark bill.
View through 700mm lens |
Blowing up the shot on the back of the camera confirmed a yellow bill but it was clearly not a Great White Egret as it was too small. That only leaves a Cattle Egret. Initially I had my doubts. I would not expect to see it on a salt marsh. It is an insect eater and in this country would normally be seen around cattle. A quick check in Collins confirmed the identification ( I hope! ).
Digital enlargement of the shot above. |
I would have liked a better shot but it was quite mobile and stayed distant so all my shots suffer from being huge crops and over sharpened.
Cattle Egret in Flight |
Cattle Egret |
There were lots of other waders on the mud flats but very few that were close enough for a picture.
Grey Plover |
and one still showing the remnants of its summer plumage |
Ringed Plover |
There were also a number of Raptors around. Peregrines, Buzzards, Marsh Harrier, etc but the only picture I managed to get was yet another Kestrel.
Kestrel |
And finally a few shots of a Wren hunting insects in the fading light.
Wren |
There is one around here somewhere. |
There were plenty of birds around today although they were mostly the usual suspects and very few were close enough for pictures. Still Sheppey is a new area for me and I enjoyed searching out new birding locations. On the way off the island I went past the entrance to Elmley NNR. It was getting late and its a big site to get around so I decided to leave it for another day. Bad mistake. This evening there is a report of nine White-fronted Geese on the reserve and I haven't managed to see one yet this year.
The identification of the Cattle Egret in this blog was questioned and led to the publishing of a BIRDGUIDES Webzine article, The article and comments are set out below for completeness.
Throughout October and November 2013, a
Cattle Egret
was reported regularly (although intermittently) from the Isle of
Sheppey, in north Kent. The bird, first reported on 3rd October and last
seen on 29th November, was generally to be found on the saltmarsh at
Harty Ferry, at the south-east end of the island. Despite its being
around for several weeks, we received no images directly here at
BirdGuides — unusual for such a long-staying scarcity. However, towards
the end of last year, Marc Read emailed me a link to Sussex birder
Martin Peacock's
asking me to have a look at the egret featured in his post from 17th
October. On opening it up and looking at the photos of the bird in
question — the Harty Ferry bird no less — it was instantly clear that
something was wrong. Though labelled as a Cattle Egret, there appeared
to be multiple plumage and structural features at odds with that
species, although it didn't really seem to fit any of the European or
African egret species. I got in touch with Martin to express my
thoughts, and he responded with the following:
"The pictures below are of the 'Cattle Egret' seen regularly around
Harty Ferry on Sheppey back in October. It was my first Cattle Egret, so
I spent some time checking the identification, photographing and
learning about the bird. Although I was happy at the time that it could
not be anything other than a Cattle Egret, I could not find any pictures
on the web that showed examples of black legs and yellow feet as you
would find on a Little Egret.
The shape of the lower jaw also seemed to be different to the pictures
that I was looking at but I put this down to the bird being a juvenile.
Finally there was the fact that it was feeding on a saltmarsh along with
other Little Egrets, when I would have expected to find it in pastures,
feeding around cattle, or in similar habitats.
The shots were published on my blog
back in October and I thought nothing more of it. However, since that
time I have received queries suggesting that this may be a Little ×
Cattle Egret hybrid. I have searched the web but although this hybrid is
recognised I cannot find any details on what the resulting bird would
look like. This is getting a bit beyond my current levels of expertise
and I wondered if there is anyone out there that can help me with the
Finally, my apologies for the quality of the pictures. The bird was about quite distant and the pictures are heavily cropped."

Above: the 'Harty Ferry egret', both at rest and in flight, 17th October 2013 (
Photos: Martin Peacock).
So, what is it? For starters, it seems quite clear that this isn't a
Cattle Egret. Perhaps the most striking feature is the yellow feet (as
in Little Egret), but there are other differences that point away from
that as a diagnosis. For example, the bill is comparatively long, thin,
and posseses a dark tip, while it also appears rather long-necked for
that species. The legs are also rather long and spindly. Could it be an
aberrant Little Egret? Personally, I'm not sure: facially, it looks
quite Cattle Egret-like with those bright yellowish lores and the
predominately yellowish bill (which is perhaps a little shorter than on
your average Little Egret). Similarly, the neck, though longer than a
typical Cattle, looks quite thickset and rather less 'snaky' than you'd
expect in a Little Egret. This, along with the quite plump body and
shortish legs, give it quite a dumpy, stunted feel.

Composite showing (left to right)
Little Egret, the 'Sheppey egret' and
Cattle Egret
in similar poses, demonstrating the apparently intermediate structure
and appearance of the Sheppey bird. Photos of Little Egret (John
Freeman) and Cattle Egret (Tom Victory) from the BirdGuides Iris
Another species with a yellow bill is
Intermediate Egret
but, like Cattle Egrets, they have black (not yellow) feet and are
larger, longer-necked and more elegant-looking than Little Egrets (not
smaller and short-necked as in the Kent bird). White-morph
Western Reef Egrets would show paler, greenish legs and a duller bill, as well as a different structure. The bird is also clearly not a
Great White Egret.
It is at this point that we mention the 'H' word for the first time.
Hybrids between herons, egrets and their allies are rare but certainly
not unknown. The
Handbook of Avian Hybrids of the World lists Cattle Egret as having hybridised with both
Little Blue Heron and
Snowy Egret
in the USA, and with Little Egret in both Europe and Africa.
Furthermore, examples of Cattle Egrets apparently hybridising with
Squacco Heron have been recorded in the wild in Spain and Italy (see
here and
here), while an apparent Cattle Egret ×
Night Heron has been recorded in captivity in Germany (see
Therefore, displaying characteristics seemingly intermediate between
Cattle and Little Egret, could the Sheppey bird be a hybrid between the
two species? Based on what we can see in Martin's photographs, such an
assumption certainly seems reasonable. We'd love to hear your views and
opinions on the bird — feel free to leave any comments in the section at
the foot of this article!
Martin Peacock & Josh Jones
Friday 10th January 2014