July started much as June had ended with some good mothing nights and with a good variety of moths but as I only use actinic lights perhaps not in the numbers some people get to report.
My main interest is in my garden list so the following are some of the additions to that list during the month plus a few other pictures of moths that I enjoyed.
There were also the four Garden Clearwings during the month but see the earlier blog for details of those.
Blackneck - Lygephila pastinum |
Blood-vein - Timandra comae |
Bordered Straw - Heliothis peltigera |
Broad-barred White - Hecatera bicolorata |
Clay - Mythimna ferrago |
Comfrey Ermel - Ethmia quadrillella |
Coronet - Craniophora ligustri |
Dark Bordered Pearl - Evergestis limbata |
Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet - Xanthorhoe ferrugata |
Double-striped Tabby - Hypsopygia glaucinalis |
Dun-bar - Cosmia trapezina |
Really not sure about the next one. It looks like pictures I have seen of False Mocha but I know these Cyclophora genus can be difficult to tell apart and are even capable of interbreeding so the jury is out on this one. I do not dissect the moths I catch.
Possible False Mocha - Cyclophora porata |
Garden Tiger, a regular in the garden but always a bit of a disappointment as I am still waiting for the first garden Jersey Tiger.
Garden Tiger - Arctia caja |
Gold Spot - Plusia festucae |
The Herald, another moth I have waited a long time to see, just intrigued by its unusual shape.
Herald - Scoliopteryx libatrix |
After catching lots of the Scarce Footman and spending a lot of time examining them in the hope of finding a Hoary Footman, this turned up in the trap. There have been pale Scarce Footman in the past but nothing like this one and the white underwing was also visible.
Hoary Footman - Eilema caniola |
Iron Prominent - Notodonta dromedarius |
July Highflyer - Hydriomena furcata |
I nearly dismissed the next moth as another Grass Veneer, but it just looked that bit different and further investigation showed it to be a Juniper Webber.
Juniper Webber - Dichomeris marginella |
Knapweed Conch - Agapeta zoegana |
Knot Grass - Acronicta rumicis |
I have to confess, the next moth was caught in a friends garden across the border in Eastleigh but having put it in the blog in error I couldn't bring myself to take it out.
Lackey - Malacosoma neustris |
Large Ranunculus, I had my doubts on this one as its usual flight period is September to October but with those markings the only alternative was the Black-banded Polymixis xanthomista which would have been an even bigger surprise.
Large Ranunculus - Polymixis flavicincta |
Lychnis - Hadena bicruris |
With the Micro Moths you really need a hand lens or a picture you can enlarge to show the detail. In life at 6-8mm long you just see the Maple Button as a small yellow blob.
Maple Button - Acleris forsskaleana |
Marbled Conch - Eupoecilia angustana |
Marbled Piercer - Cydia splendana |
Nut-tree Tussock - Colocasia coryli |
Oak Hook-tip - Watsonalla binaria |
Rosy Rustic - Hydraecia micacea |
Next the nationally scarce Rosy-stripped Knot-horn a nice find but probably a migrant. One of the benefits of living near the coast.
Rosy-striped Knot-horn - Oncocera semirubella |
September Thorn - Ennomas erosaria |
Single-dotted Wave - Idaea dimidata |
Small Emerald - Hemistola chrysoprasaria |
Straw-barred Pearl - Pyrausta despicata |
Tawny Shears - Hadena perplexa |
Also a lot more of the Tree-lichen Beauty this year against only one last year.
Tree-lichen Beauty - Cryphia algae |
Vapourer - Orgyia antiqua |
What will August deliver and how will the hot weather and drought impact on the numbers, size and variety?